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Inteligencia iraní

Publicado: 07 Mar 2007 18:43
por kilo009
Ministry of Intelligence and Security [MOIS]

Aquí podemos ver la información sobre el espionaje iraní en la página de ASR:


E información aportada por el profesor Ramiro Anzit Guerrero:

http://www.mercuriodelasalud.com.ar/adj ... 0IRANI.pdf

Vezarat-e Ettela'at va Amniat-e Keshvar VEVAK


Como organización de inteligencia que es, mantiene agentes y encubiertos y formas de introducirlos (tapaderas) de varias formas: oposición iraní, estudiantes, comerciantes, líneas aéreas iraníes, trabajadores de Embajadas y Consulados, ramificaciones de bancos por todo el mundo
Power struggle over Ministry of Intelligence
- Khamenei tries to secure control over Ministry of Intelligence (VEVAK) by transforming it into an Intelligence Organization
According to reports from within the Khomeini regime, Khamenei and his faction in the Majlis are planning to submit a bill with two-starred priority to the parliament, soon. According to the bill, the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (VEVAK) will be changed to the Organization for Intelligence and Security, under the direct supervision of the Vali-e Faqih, i.e. Ali Khamenei.
Appointing the Minister of Intelligence has been one of the main subjects of dispute between Khamenei and Khatami. Khamenei insists on appointing one of his own confidants to head the ministry. If he does not succeed in doing so, Khamenei's faction will submit the bill to the Majlis and wrest the control of the ministry from Khatami by changing it into an organization.

Other factions in the Majlis are reported to be vehemently opposed to this decision. The action shows that feuding within the regime has taken on unprecedented dimensions particularly after Khatami's election and the regime's new triumvirate leadership.

With an astronomical budget and a vast organization, the Ministry of Intelligence is the most powerful ministry in the regime and the most important instrument of repression and enforcement of the mullahs' rule. This ministry has traditionally received its orders from Khamenei and reported directly to him. Khamenei has used this organ to crack down on his opponents among the clerics and spy against cabinet ministers and other officials of the regime.

The submission of this bill to the Majlis will be an unprecedented measure to formalize unrestricted and unconditional freedom of action for the regime's intelligence apparatus to suppress the public and export terrorism.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran - Paris
August 11, 1997
Editaré el Post con más información, pero lo abro con una buena información:

Missing Iranian spy chief 'defected to West'
A former Iranian spy chief was suspected last night of defecting to the West, raising the prospect of a timely intelligence bonanza amid tensions with Teheran.

While the speculation was impossible to verify, it is hard to imagine a more tantalising prospect for Western intelligence agencies than the defection of General Ali Reza Azkari, who is known to have served in Lebanon in the 1990s liaising with Hizbollah.

Skilful debriefing could shed important light on Iranian arms smuggling to the Shia militia, although he would also be pressed for secrets of Iran's nuclear programme.

After days of gossip in Middle Eastern internet chat-rooms about the whereabouts of Gen Azkari, who also once served as Iran's deputy defence minister, Teheran was forced to officially confirm his disappearance.

Gen Esmaeil Ahmadi Moghaddam, the chief of Iranian police, told the state news agency that Gen Azkari, 63, had gone missing last month during an official visit to Turkey.

He tried to put the most positive spin on the development by suggesting that Gen Azkari had been kidnapped by foreign agents.

He said that Iran had officially requested Turkey's help in tracking him.

But there was growing speculation that Gen Azkari had requested asylum in the West, most likely America.

Citing "informed sources", the London-based Arabic newspaper Asharq al-Awsat said Gen Azkari had defected to the United States.

Menashe Amir, an Israeli analyst of Iranian affairs, claimed to have information that the Azkari family had left Iran "on holiday" shortly before the general's disappearance - adding weight to the defection theory.

"According to part of the information, his wife and children managed to leave Iran before his disappearance," Mr Amir told Israel's Army Radio, without elaborating on his sources.

Gen Azkari flew to Istanbul from Damascus, the Syrian capital, and checked into a hotel. But after leaving his possessions in the room he never returned.

While it remains possible he was kidnapped by Western agencies, the defection theory appeared to be the most plausible.

He could provide key information about Iran's role in supporting the Shia militias in Iraq.

Washington has grown increasingly angry at Teheran's willingness to supply weapons and know-how to insurgents.

The stand-off over Iran's nuclear programme is underscored by a fundamental lack of good intelligence on exactly what technology Iran possesses and when it might be able to construct a nuclear weapon.

Any intelligence that would help Israel or the West to fill in those important blanks would have direct bearing on whether an armed strike were launched against Iran.

America has said that "all options remain on the table" as regards to stopping Iran acquiring nuclear weapons, which is diplomatic code for a military threat.

As would be expected for any senior spy, little is known about Gen Azkari's career. He served as deputy defence minister under the defence minister Gen Ali Samahani.
Es decir, el jefe del espionaje iraní ha desertado, y parece que voluntariamente, con su familia, aprovechando un encuentro en Damasco y luego otro en Estambul, y que su familia previamente había salido de viaje. Hay otra opción que es un posible secuestro por agencias occidentales (mucho más complicado, aunque algo han tenido que ver, porque la seguridad del VIP tenía que haberse percatado del tema).

Más información sobre lo sucedido:


Publicado: 15 Ago 2007 18:33
por Esteban
Ahora resulta que los chinos espían a los iraníes :shock:
Irán/China.- La Policía iraní detiene a dos chinos a los que acusa de espiar sus instalaciones militares y nucleares
TEHERÁN, 15 Ago. (EP/AP) -

La Policía iraní ha detenido a dos nacionales chinos que, según sospechan las autoridades, estaban espiando sus instalaciones militares y nucleares, según informó hoy el portavoz de Justicia, Ali Reza Jamshidi.

"Los ciudadanos chinos fueron detenidos mientras tomaban una fotografía y grababan un vídeo de un complejo militar en la ciudad de Arak", explicó a los periodistas. En Arak, 400 kilómetros al suroeste de Teherán, el Ejecutivo iraní ha construido un reactor de agua pesada para alimentar con éste material --empleado como refrigerante en los procesos de fisión del uranio-- a la central nuclear de Isfahán.

"Entraron en Irán a través de las islas Kish como turistas", precisó e incidió en que las autoridades judiciales está investigando el caso en relación, insistió, a un presunto delito de espionaje.

El Ministerio de Inteligencia iraní suele anunciar golpes contra las redes de espionaje extranjeras en el país, especialmente estadounidenses o británicas.

Beijing goza de buenas relaciones con el régimen de los ayatolás y ha sido uno de los miembros del Consejo de Seguridad permanentes, junto a Rusia, que más se han opuesto al refuerzo de sanciones contra Irán por su negativa a renunciar a su programa de enriquecimiento de uranio, tal y como exige la comunidad internacional.

Publicado: 23 Nov 2007 20:18
por Esteban
Reservista israelí acusado de intentar espiar a favor de Irán


Israeli 'tried to spy for Iran'
Israeli reserve officer David Shamir in a courtroom in Tel Aviv

ImagenMr Shamir alleged actions were motivated by greed, say police
A reserve officer in the Israeli army has been charged with offering to supply classified information to Iran, Russia and the Palestinian group Hamas.

David Shamir, a psychiatrist, is accused of offering information on command centres and civilian evacuation plans in exchange for payment.

Court documents indicate Mr Shamir's repeated alleged attempts to offer his services were unsuccessful.

Mr Shamir has not formally responded to the charges yet.

Police say he has cited greed as a motive.

'Join the struggle'

Mr Shamir, 45, e-mailed Iran's foreign ministry in April to offer his services, according to the court indictment released on Friday.

The indictment suggests the ministry refused his offer.

He is then accused of faxing the Iranian consulates in London and Istanbul with a similar offer.

Earlier this month, Mr Shamir is alleged to have e-mailed a university in the Gaza Strip known to be a stronghold of the governing militant group Hamas - offering to "join the struggle" in exchange for money.

Mr Shamir also allegedly contacted the Russian intelligence service FSB, inquiring about the recruitment process for spies.

He is also being charged with contact with a foreign agent and obstruction of justice.

Classified documents were found at his house, as well as records of his attempts to contact hostile sources, reported Israel's Haaretz newspaper.

He was also reported to be in possession of marijuana.

Publicado: 25 Nov 2008 16:02
por kilo009
Pues así está el patio:

-Desarticulada una red de espinaje en Irán que espiaba para Israel (sobre la Guardia Revolucionaria, Inteligencia iraní y programa nuclear)

-Curiosa la noticia del blogger que espiaba para los israelíes.

Iran claims Israel spy ring broken

Robert Tait in Istanbul guardian.co.uk

Iran's revolutionary guards ratcheted up the war of nerves with Israel yesterday by claiming to have broken a spy network run by Mossad, the Israeli espionage agency.

The guards' commander-in-chief, Muhammad Ali Jafari, said they had arrested Israeli-trained agents and seized hi-tech communications equipment.

Two days ago, Iran announced it had hanged a businessman who allegedly admitted spying for Israel.

Jafari said the latest group arrested had confessed to having been trained in Israel to carry out assassinations and bombings. He did not specify how many people had been held. But he told the semi-official news agency Mehr that the group had sought information about the revolutionary guards, military intelligence officials and Iran's nuclear programme, which Israel and the west fear is designed to produce an atomic bomb.

Mossad had provided money to buy cars and equipment, said Jafari. "The arrested people confessed that they have been specially trained in Israel for bombings and assassinations." Iran routinely accuses Israel and the US of spying against it, but yesterday's allegation was the latest in a string of such claims in recent days.

Ali Ashtari, 45, whose execution was announced on Saturday, was the manager of a company selling communication and security equipment to the Iranian government. The Iranian authorities said he had admitted during a trial last June to spying for Mossad for three years. They claimed he had been recruited to intercept the communications of officials working on military operations and the nuclear programme. Israel has denied the claims.

Similar allegations have also been made against a prominent Iranian blogger, Hossein Derakhshan. Jahan News, a website close to Iran's intelligence services, reported that he had been arrested last week. Jahan said Derakhshan had confessed in custody to spying for Israel.

Re: Inteligencia iraní

Publicado: 12 Abr 2009 11:23
por naufrago
Hace tiempo que queria colgar estos articulos , lo más triste es que no hemos vuelto a saber nada sobre este asunto pero es más que probable que la Vevak este detrás de él.Sin embargo en este asunto la desinformación y la manipulación ha primado en las informaciones aparecidas en prensa como podreis observar en estos articulos deseosos de cerrar la cuestión.¿Pero quien ordeno cerrar el caso a la opinión pública y por qué ?

La policía sospecha que el crimen de La Moraleja fue político
El octogenario asesinado era un próspero empresario iraní que huyó de su país tras la revolución islámica
F. JAVIER BARROSO - Madrid - 21/03/2008

Vota Resultado 24 votos
Mujer de 1,70 metros de estatura, delgada y de tez morena. Ése es el retrato que ha hecho la policía de la persona que mató de tres cuchilladas a Manouchehr Farhangi Farhangi, un exiliado iraní de 82 años nacionalizado español, en su chalé de lujo de La Moraleja, en Alcobendas (105.900 habitantes). La víctima, que huyó de su país tras la implantación del régimen islámico en Irán en 1979, fundó un año después el International College Spain (ICS). Se trata de un colegio de élite situado a escasos metros de la vivienda de su fundador. Fuentes policiales mantienen que tras el crimen puede haber un móvil político, pero no descartan otras hipótesis.

Detenida la presunta asesina de un iraní en La Moraleja
La noticia en otros webs
webs en español
en otros idiomas
Los investigadores buscan el taxi en el que la agresora salió de la urbanización
Los hechos ocurrieron a las 12.15 del miércoles en el número 12 de la calle de la Cuesta de la Sierra, en La Moraleja. Sobre esa hora, una mujer llamó a la puerta del chalé. Farhangi abrió y, sin mediar palabra, la agresora le asestó tres puñaladas en el abdomen. El hombre cayó malherido y la agresora huyó a pie. Antes de morir, mientras le operaban en el hospital La Paz horas después, la víctima aseguró que le había acuchillado una mujer.

La policía reconstruye ahora el camino que llevó la agresora en su huida. También dispone del abrigo oscuro que tiró la mujer y que recuperaron los agentes locales. La agresora anduvo al menos unos 20 minutos para salvar los dos kilómetros que separan el chalé del centro de ocio Diversia, donde tomó un taxi. Allí fue vista por una testigo que la vio subirse al vehículo. Los agentes del Grupo X de Homicidios intentan localizar al conductor para saber dónde dejó a la pasajera.

Las declaraciones de la testigo y algunas grabaciones ya visionadas por la policía han permitido sacar una primera imagen de la agresora. Se trata de una mujer de entre 28 y 30 años, delgada y con la tez muy morena.

El homicidio se produjo un día después de que el fallecido (una de las personas más prósperas de la reducida colonia iraní en Madrid, formada por 915 personas) mantuviera una discusión con una mujer en el centro de Alcobendas. Ella estaba pegando carteles a favor del actual régimen islámico de Irán, y Farhangi le recriminó por ello. Los investigadores esperan que un hijo del fallecido pueda reconocerla, ya que iba con su padre en el momento de la disputa.

Este hecho no es el único que baraja la policía, que también ve difícil que por una simple pelea una mujer pueda apuñalar hasta la muerte a un hombre. Además, también debía saber de quién se trataba y dónde vivía.

Uno de los hijos de Farhangi, que no quiso hablar a la prensa, acudió ayer por la mañana al Instituto Anatómico Forense, en la Ciudad Universitaria. Allí reclamó el cadáver. Sin embargo, estaba pendiente de la autopsia, que no se completará hasta el sábado, según fuentes judiciales. El forense quiere someter el cuerpo a una prueba de rayos X.

Farhangi nació el 5 de enero de 1926 en el seno de una familia zoroástrica (seguidora de una antigua religión fundada por Zaratustra o Zoroastro y en la que el fuego simboliza la divinidad) en la ciudad de Kerman, según publicó el periódico Persian Mirror. Estudió en esta ciudad antes de trasladarse a Teherán, donde continuó su formación. Años más tarde fundó junto con su hermano una empresa dedicada a la importación llamada Farhangi. Después amplió el negocio también con la exportación. Se casó a los 33 años y tuvo dos hijos: Ramin y Rames. A comienzos de los años setenta puso en marcha un enorme complejo turístico orientado a las familias, Dehkadeh Saheli.

El empresario abrió con sus hermanos una empresa farmacéutica, que se convirtió en una de las más importantes de Irán. Tras la revolución de los ayatolás, Farhangi fue llevado a los tribunales islámicos por acoso y abuso verbal. En un viaje a Londres, sus empleados le comunicaron que los revolucionarios le habían saqueado sus pertenencias y habían quemado su casa, incluida su biblioteca, de valor incalculable, siempre según Persian Mirror.

En poco tiempo, le fueron confiscadas sus empresas con el argumento de impago de impuestos. Mientras veía cómo perdía sus pertenencias, contactó en Teherán con padres de alumnos del Iranzamin Teheran International School y decidieron abrir un colegio en un país europeo neutral. Apostaron por Estepona (Málaga), donde firmaron un contrato con el instituto local Don José. Farhangi alquiló parte del mismo para sus estudiantes y fundó el International College of Spain (ICS). Luego se trasladó a Madrid, donde abrió el ICS de La Moraleja. En la actualidad, el centro tiene más de 600 alumnos de 48 nacionalidades. Está acreditado por prestigiosas instituciones educativas. Al mismo acuden gran número de hijos de representantes del cuerpo diplomático. "He tenido mucha suerte en la vida, donde todo lo que he tocado se ha convertido en algo fructífero con la ayuda de buenos amigos", solía decir Farhangi, según el periódico persa.

El fallecido tiene diversas empresas a su nombre. Es el propietario de la firma Dehkadeh en Vizcaya, dedicada a la promoción inmobiliaria. También es el propietario de Agropars, en Paracuellos del Jarama, con actividad agrícola, ganadera, forestal y pesquera. Además, está a su nombre un elegante gimnasio de Alcobendas, Zagros Sports.

El chalé de Farhangi permanecía ayer vacío. Los vecinos de la zona, que dijeron no conocerle, mostraron su sorpresa por la agresión ocurrida a pocos metros de sus domicilios. Con el crimen de Farhangi, son 18 las personas que han perdido la vida de forma violenta en la región en lo que va de año.

Detenida la presunta asesina de un iraní en La Moraleja
La Policía siguió la pista de la joven que, tras el crimen, compró unos cuchillos e intentó agredir a otro hombre
ELPAÍS.com - Madrid - 27/03/2008

Vota Resultado 300 votos
Agentes del Cuerpo Nacional de Policía han detenido a la brasileña Edislane T. A., de 24 años y que se encuentra en situación irregular en España, por ser la presunta autora de la muerte por arma blanca del millonario de origen iraní Manuchehr Farhanghi, de 82 años, el pasado día 19 en un chalet de La Moraleja (Madrid, 105.900 habitantes). El hombre fue apuñalado en el vientre y falleció en un centro médico pocas horas después de la agresión. La primera pista que condujo a la identificación de la autora del homicidio se obtuvo de la compra de cuchillos que hizo la mujer tras apuñalar a su víctima.

La policía sospecha que el crimen de La Moraleja fue político
Un octogenario muere tras ser apuñalado en su chalé de La Moraleja
La noticia en otros webs
webs en español
en otros idiomas
En un primer momento, la comisaría de la localidad madrileña de Alcobendas recibió aviso de una agresión, ocurrida en un chalé de lujo situado en el número 12 la calle Cuesta de la Sierra, donde los agentes hallaron a un hombre herido, con un cuchillo clavado en el vientre. Había recibido tres puñaladas. El Grupo X de Homicidios se hizo cargo de las investigaciones.

Según el relato de los hechos, el fallecido y su esposa se hallaban en la vivienda, ella en el piso de arriba. Sonó el timbre de la puerta y él fue a abrir. Allí mismo y de inmediato, recibió la puñalada. Los primeros testimonios recogidos pusieron de manifiesto que una mujer había sido la autora de la agresión. Fue descrita como una joven de 1,70 metros de estatura, de tez morena y delgada. Dos días después, las gestiones policiales condujeron a los agentes del referido Grupo X de Homicidios de la Brigada de Policía Judicial de Madrid a una gran superficie comercial, cercana al lugar de los hechos investigados.

El taxista la llevó al cuartelillo

Allí, un empleado les explicó su extrañeza ante la actitud de una mujer que el día anterior, en evidente estado de nerviosismo, había comprado unos cuchillos. Las fluidas relaciones entre los servicios de seguridad de este establecimiento y la policía habían hecho posible el conocimiento de esta circunstancia a los agentes. A continuación, se visionaron las grabaciones de las cámaras de seguridad en las que aparecía parte del recorrido de la sospechosa y su salida del centro comercial. Tomó un taxi y se fue. Según posteriores averiguaciones, siguió en el automóvil, sin perder su extraña actitud.

En una parada de un semáforo, se apeó y trató de apuñalar a un chico joven. Volvió al coche; pero, el taxista la llevó a un puesto de la Guardia Civil del Camino de Leganés, donde dijo lo que ocurría. Los agentes dieron aviso a la comisaría de Hortaleza, que se hizo cargo de la sospechosa. Los agentes de Homicidios, que investigaban la muerte del ciudadano iraní y rastreaban los hechos relevantes de las últimas horas, tuvieron conocimiento de la detención de una mujer, con unas determinadas características y en unas circunstancias concretas e inmediatamente sospecharon que podría tratarse de la que ellos buscaban.

Ya había ingresado por orden judicial en prisión, acusada del intento de agresión al joven. La mujer, de nacionalidad brasileña, se encuentra en España en situación irregular. La reconstrucción de los hechos ha permitido conocer que, tras apuñalar a Manucher Farhanghi, la agresora escapó a la carrera; en el camino, arrojó un abrigo y unas gafas. Inmediatamente tomó un taxi y se dirigió al centro comercial en el que compró los cuchillos. Ahora, la Policía Científica está analizando la ropa que tiró la detenida en su carrera por si tuviera restos de sangre. La víctima tenía nacionalidad española y era disidente del régimen de Mahmud Ahmadineyad, por lo que en un principio se pensó en un posible móvil político. Fundó en 1980 el International College Spain, un colegio de alto nivel, junto al que vivía.

Re: Inteligencia iraní

Publicado: 08 May 2009 09:34
por ZULU
Irán vetó una visita secreta de Duran tras sumarse España al plante de Ahmadineyad

http://www.abc.es/20090508/nacional-pol ... 80330.html

Re: Inteligencia iraní

Publicado: 25 Jul 2009 22:10
por dragon
Editado por el moderador.

Saludos cordiales.

Re: Inteligencia iraní

Publicado: 03 Mar 2010 21:49
por Endovelicus
Iranian 'spies' held in Italian arms trafficking operation

Italian police have arrested five Italians and two suspected Iranian secret agents on suspicion of illegally trafficking arms and explosives to Iran through Eastern Europe in breach of an international embargo. Reports said two further alleged Iranian agents were on the run and were being sought by police.

Police in Milan said the operation had been conducted with the help of British, Swiss and Romanian authorities. They said in a statement that they had intercepted optical-precision equipment, scuba-diving jackets and oxygen tanks bound for Iran as well as tracer bullets, incendiary bombs and other "explosive materials".

The investigation , dubbed Operation Sniper, was led Armando Spataro, the Milan prosecutor who also investigated the 2003 kidnapping and "extraordinary rendition " of Abu Omar, a Muslim cleric suspected of abetting terrorism, by CIA agents in Milan. Last November an Italian judge convicted 22 CIA agents and an American military official in absentia of the kidnapping. They are appealing.

Police said Operation Sniper had begun in June 2009. One of the Italians arrested was a lawyer from Turin who also ran an "import export business", Mr Spataro told a news conference. He said the other arrested Italians were from Monza, Brescia and Cadeo in the province of Piacenza, and Switzerland.

The arrests come as the Western powers push for tougher United Nations sanctions against Tehran over its nuclear programme following a report by the UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) last month that Iran had enriched uranium to 19.8 percent, 0.2 percentage points below the threshold needed to start the chain reaction seen in a nuclear bomb.

Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian Prime Minister, incurred the warth of Tehran last month by comparing President Ahmadinejad to Hitler during a visis to Israel and calling for tougher trade sanctions. State-controlled Iranian radio and television accused Mr Berlusconi of being "a servant of Israel".

Mr Spataro said that the tapping of phones had played a "crucial role" in the Iranian arms smuggling investigation. Mr Berlusconi, who currently faces two trials for alleged bribery and tax fraud and has been repeatedly investigated for alleged corruption, is pushing through Parliament a bill which would restrict the use of phone tapping in criminal investigations.

Police said some of the equipment seized in the operation was military and some was "dual use". The Italian news agency ANSA said the "optical equipment" had been seized at Heathrow airport. The two Iranians arrested were named as Nejad Hamid Masoumi, 51, accredited as a journalist in Italy, who was arrested at the Foreign Press Club in Rome, and Ali Damirchiloo, 55, who was arrested in Turin.

Mr Masoumi is accredited for Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (RTV), member of the Foreign Press Association in Rome since 1993.
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/w ... 047942.ece


Nejad Hamid Masoumi en Youtube

Re: Inteligencia iraní

Publicado: 10 Mar 2010 23:32
por Endovelicus
The Sandman Cometh
Tehran's master of clandestine operations, Qassem Suleimani, could hold the key to Iraq's future—if he were not so busy back in Iran.

The text message was cryptic and sent through an intermediary, but its spookiness has become legendary among the Americans tasked with trying to stabilize Iraq. The moment was May 2008, and once again all hell was breaking loose. Shiite militias had gone to battle against each other. The fighting threatened to spread to Baghdad. Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker were scrambling to find somebody to broker a truce. Then the text message was passed to the American commander. "General Petraeus," it began, "you should know that I, Qassem Suleimani, control the policy for Iran with respect to Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza, and Afghanistan." Within days it was Suleimani who brokered the truce.

What surprised Petraeus and Crocker was not the Iranian's role. They knew that already. It was the blunt confidence with which Suleimani stated it. As the head of the infamous Quds Force, he commands all the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) operations outside Iran's borders—whether covert, overt, or outright terrorist. In the fractious politicking almost certain to follow Iraq’s parliamentary elections on Sunday, this 53-year-old Iranian general could pull the strings that make or break the new government in Baghdad.

Long before America's troops occupied Iraq, Suleimani's forces occupied the shadows. In the buildup to the U.S.-led invasion, he was the go-to guy for much of the Iraqi Kurdish and Shiite opposition to Saddam Hussein. Suleimani's networks of agents, collaborators, military advisers, client militias, and secret informers give him a degree of power that is difficult to gauge, but it often seems proconsular: "I, Qassem Suleimani," his text read, like an emperor's decree. And his real message in 2008 was that he could turn up the heat, or turn it down, at will.

Crocker often used to tell his colleagues that what Suleimani probably wanted to do in Iraq was to "Lebanonize" it. The idea would be to build up as many networks and agents in Baghdad as Iran has in, say, Beirut, so that it could create a crisis—and then solve it, at a political price. As Petraeus described it, Suleimani might say, "We'll stop the crisis immediately, but of course, you know, we'd like to have one more vote in the council of this and that." A talented extortionist knows how to set a price that will be met. Through the accretion of such little victories, the Iranians can eventually gain a veto over everything from economic policy to foreign alliances. In the case of Iraq, they also want to make sure that Baghdad will never again challenge them as a regional power.

But today Suleimani doesn't seem to be paying as much attention to Iraq as he once did. For the last nine months, ever since apparent election fraud in Iran sparked mass protests and continuing unrest, the head of the Quds Force has been drawn back into the treacherous politics of his own country. And what he tries to do in Iraq—indeed, the success or failure of its democratic experiment—may well be a factor of his success or failure in Iran.

Petraeus, who painted this picture when speaking in January to the Institute for the Study of War in Washington, said the unrest following "the hijacked elections" in Iran last year has forced Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to rely on the IRGC and its Quds Force internally as well as externally. "That has enabled them to then expand their already considerable influence beyond just the security arena, but ever more greatly into the economic arena and even into the diplomatic arena," said Petraeus, who now heads the U.S. Central Command, the military body focused on the region.

According to people who have followed Suleimani closely and prefer to remain anonymous, the spymaster and many other senior figures in the Quds Force actually supported the presidential challenger, Mir Hossein Mousavi, against incumbent president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Supreme Leader's anointed favorite. But because of Suleimani's record fighting the regime's enemies abroad, he still has Khamenei's confidence, and he has a demonstrated range of skills, whether persuasive or coercive, that are useful in squelching protests and more subtle kinds of dissent.

When senior American military officers and diplomats in Baghdad talk about Suleimani, it's with something of the same hint of awe that George Smiley, the hero of John le Carré spy novels, had when he spoke about the East German spymaster Karla, who was nicknamed "the Sandman" because "anyone who comes too close to him has a way of falling asleep."

Suleimani's agents were deemed directly responsible for equipping and training Shiite militias in Iraq whose explosives had a devastating impact on American vehicles and the soldiers in them in the middle of the last decade. When U.S. forces captured the leader of one of those militias, Qais al-Khazali, in 2007, kidnappers took five British hostages and demanded his release. Not until al-Khazali was handed over to the Iraqis late last year was the last of the Britons let go. Then al-Khazali was released. Although London and Washington adamantly denied a deal, in Baghdad Suleimani got credit for getting his guy out.

In Lebanon, the Quds Force created Hizbullah in the 1980s and remains its armorer to this day. In recent years Suleimani's covert financial and material support for Hamas in Gaza has been vital, and he reportedly played a direct role building up both forces before and after their wars with Israel in 2006.

In 2007, U.N. Security Council Resoluton 1747 cited Suleimani by name—along with several other officials from the IRGC and apparatchiks tied to Iran's ballistic-missile program—as a target of the sanctions imposed in the failed effort to stop Iran from enriching uranium and developing nuclear weapons. (The penalties weren't so tough as to stop him from doing his job.)

But dangerous as Suleimani may be, his style is notably different from that of his predecessor at the Quds Force, Ahmad Vahidi, who is now Ahmadinejad's minister of defense. Vahidi's list of alleged links to horrific terrorist incidents stretches from Beirut to Buenos Aires. During the late 1980s and early 1990s his agents waged a ferocious assassination campaign in Europe to wipe out leading dissidents and political opponents. Suleimani, appointed in 2000 when the reformist president Mohammad Khatami was in office, has concentrated on events closer to home and played more subtle political games.

Petraeus said Suleimani and the Quds Force continue to provide "all kinds of resources and weaponry and advanced technology" to Hizbullah, to Hamas, "and to a much lesser degree ... to the Taliban in western Afghanistan." But at the same time they use "soft power wherever they can, as well, to complement the various activities of hard power."

Late last year, The Economist reported that the current American ambassador in Baghdad, Christopher Hill, and the current commander, Gen. Raymond Odierno, actually went so far as to meet with Suleimani in the office of an Iraqi official to try to stabilize the country and the region. But the Americans' denials were so vehement that The Economist retracted its story.

For the moment, Qassem Suleimani may not be so much in evidence. But in the world of shadows that is at the heart of Middle East politics, the Sandman is always likely to return.

Re: Inteligencia iraní

Publicado: 21 May 2011 23:42
por kilo009
Operación contra una red de espionaje en Irán:

http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2011/05/2 ... 75692.html
El Ministerio de Inteligencia iraní ha anunciado la desmantelación de una importante red de espionaje y sabotaje al arrestar a "30 espías" que presuntamente trabajaban para Estados Unidos.

"En una operación en el interior y el exterior del país, una compleja red de espionaje y de sabotaje relacionada con la CIA ha sido desmantelada", asegura el ministerio en un comunicado difundido por la televisión pública.

El Gobierno iraní no ha dado detalles sobre las detenciones ni la identidad de los arrestados. Según el comunicado, estos agentes eran captados por EEUU con promesas de permisos de residencia, visados y trabajos y cursos en el país.

Esta red "utilizaba las embajadas y los consulados americanos en varios países, en particular en Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Malasia y Turquía, para reunir información sobre centros científicos y universitarios iraníes". En concreto, actividades "nucleares, aeronáuticas, de defensa y biotecnología".

Además, los presuntos espías también recabaron "información detallada sobre oleoductos, gasoductos, redes eléctricas y de telecomunicaciones, así como de aeropuertos, transportes y bancos iraníes".