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Inteligencia británica

Publicado: 05 Feb 2007 00:59
por KS
Joint Support Group (JSG) - Force Research Unit (FRU)

El Joint Support Group (JSG), antiguamente conocido como Force Research Unit (FRU), es una pequeña unidad de la inteligencia militar británica especializada en convertir terroristas en informadores.

Después de trabajar durante años contra el IRA ahora gran número de sus efectivos se encuentran desplegados en Iraq y Afganistán.

A continuación pongo las claves que he extraído de un artículo del Sunday Telegraph, "Top secret army cell breaks terrorists", con fecha del 04/02/2007, escrito por Sean Rayment, y que he encontrado en el foro de Militaryphotos.


Deep inside the heart of the "Green Zone", the heavily fortified administrative compound in Baghdad.

a small and anonymous British Army unit that goes by the deliberately meaningless name of the Joint Support Group (JSG)

The JSG was formed in the '80s to tackle the IRA

Its members - servicemen and women of all ranks recruited from all three of the Armed Forces - are trained to turn hardened terrorists into coalition spies using methods developed on the mean streets of Ulster

they have been responsible for running dozens of Iraqi double agents.

Working alongside the Special Air Service and the American Delta Force as part of the Baghdad-based counter-terrorist unit known as Task Force Black

"Their job is to recruit and run covert human intelligence sources or agents - we never use the term informer. The Americans are in awe of the unit because they have nothing like them within their military."

the JSG operated under the cover name of the Force Research Unit (FRU), which between the early 1980s and the late 1990s managed to penetrate the very heart of the IRA. By targeting and then "turning" members of the paramilitary organisation with a variety of "inducements" ranging from blackmail to bribes, the FRU operators developed agents at virtually every command level within the IRA.

The unit was renamed following the Stevens Inquiry into allegations of collusion between the security forces and protestant paramilitary groups, and, until relatively recently continued to work exclusively in Northern Ireland.

The JSG recruits men and women of any rank from all three services up to the age of 42. Volunteers attend a two week pre-selection course where those not in possession of the unique set of skills required to handle agents successfully are weeded out.

Candidates who get through pre-selection then spend the next four months at the Intelligence Corps headquarters at Chicksands, Bedfordshire, being taught driving and close-quarter battle skills - operators must be capable of using a wide variety of weapons but must be expert shots with a pistol.

But most important of all, -volunteers must be able to befriend people they may actually despise, win their trust and persuade them to become agents, which in some cases will mean getting them to inform on friends and relatives. Those who eventually pass the course can expect to be posted to Baghdad, Basra and Afghanistan.

in Baghdad intelligence is obtained in a variety of ways. Some of it comes through phone calls to a confidential hot-line where callers can either talk to a member of the JSG or arrange a meeting inside the "Green Zone"


Only last week, intelligence from the JSG is understood to have led to a series of successful operations against Sunni militia groups in southern Baghdad.

Information obtained by the unit is also understood to have inspired one of the most successful operations carried out by Task Force Black, in November 2005, when SAS snipers shot dead three suicide bombers.

The killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq up until his death in June last year, followed intelligence obtained by the JSG, as did the rescue of the kidnapped peace campaigner, Norman Kember.

La noticia completa:
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jh ... ooks04.xml

Un saludo,

Publicado: 05 Feb 2007 22:51
por ba2
The intelligence services fear that Britain could be subject to a Beslan-style siege, with multiple hostages forced to plead for their lives on camera.

Whitehall sources have said that the threat is considered so credible that MI5, the police and the SAS have conducted at least two mock counter-terrorism exercises to work out how to deal with such an eventuality.

The last exercise, shortly before Christmas, took place at an RAF base near Chester. Five police forces were involved in an operation that envisaged an international conference being stormed by terrorists, who then held a group of children hostage in a creche wired with explosives.

Operation Northern Synergy saw a number of police chiefs assume the Gold Command - ultimate responsibility for co-ordinating the response. The commanders liaised with the government's Cobra committee, which is activated during times of national crisis. In the scenario the terrorists were equipped with mobile phones and a satellite uplink that allowed them to beam pictures of the hostages on to television screens. The operation ended with a decision to send in the SAS.

'This scenario is something that is very much on the radar screen,' said one counter-terrorism source. 'We have envisaged a British Beslan for several years.' Beslan in south-west Russia was the scene of a horrific siege when on 1 September, 2004, 1,200 schoolchildren and adults were taken hostage by Muslim terrorists. The siege resulted in the security services storming the school and the deaths of 344 of the hostages.

Growing fears that domestic terrorists could seize hostages in Britain and parade them on television and websites were underlined last week when police conducted a series of raids across the West Midlands.

Nine men were arrested under suspicion of attempting to kidnap a Muslim soldier. There were claims last week that the alleged plotters intended to film the soldier pleading for his life and then behead him, but security sources say that they cannot confirm the details.

However, it is thought they are studying the similarities with an alleged plot in Canada that was disrupted last year. Last May the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) arrested 17 men who were allegedly planning to storm the country's parliament, take hostages and behead the Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. It is known that those behind the alleged plot in Canada had links with terror suspects in Britain.

'We know from the plot in Canada that terror cells have been considering plots to kidnap high-profile individuals,' a senior counter-terrorism official said. 'We have to be alert to the possibility that Islamic extremist groups may be considering many forms of attack, including kidnappings or taking hostages on a large scale. Dame Eliza [Manningham-Buller, the head of MI5] has always made it clear that the threat we face comes in many different forms.'

A spokesman for the RCMP declined to comment on whether it was liaising with its counterparts in Britain. 'We cannot comment on operational matters,' the spokesman said.

Birmingham's Muslim community held a meeting last night to discuss the aftermath of the police raids, amid growing criticism of the way in which the media reported the case.

On Thursday, West Midlands police were given a further seven days to hold the men after applying for an extension at Coventry magistrates' court.

Assistant Chief Constable David Shaw said that a number of procedures had to be completed before formal interviews could take place. 'Far better that we use a measured, calculated, meticulous response than rush into things,' said Shaw, acknowledging that he was aware of the police intrusion into the lives of local people. We do need to balance the disruptions we are causing you with doing a thorough and professional job,' Shaw said.

Forensic specialists have been scouring 15 properties in Birmingham that were seized during Wednesday's operation.

A further three search warrants were executed on Friday. Police said six searches had been completed and a 'significant quantity' of exhibits had been gathered.

Publicado: 05 Feb 2007 22:53
por ba2
que se me ha olvidado explicar de que va el texto. hace un tiempo se realizo en reino unido un simulacro antiterrorista que planteaba una accion similar a la de beslan en inglaterra.participaron la polica britanica, el MI5 y el SAS, que se encargaban de realizar el asalto.

Publicado: 06 Feb 2007 00:34
por kilo009
Interesante ba2 lo que comentas. No sé si se ha practicado aquí algo igual, pero se rumorea que cuando lo de Beslán, miembros del Mando del GEO e UEI fueron a asesorar a los rusos.

Publicado: 18 Feb 2007 17:37
por kilo009
Además de lo que comento más arriba, el forista Temple escribe en el Foro de Fuerzas Especiales que en 2005 estuvo de visita en las instalaciones del CSN (Centro de Operaciones Especiales) del FSB en Moscú una delegación española (GEO o UEI), para visitar a la subdivisión A (Grupo Alfa)

Escuchar a Parlamentarios

Publicado: 19 Feb 2007 22:51
por ASR
No se que os parece la propuesta de este responsable Britanico, pero desde luego lo de espiar parlamentarios basandose en la lucha contra el Terrorismo, obviamente no ha caido bien en los susodichos.

Ademas de la tentacion que supone para un Gobierno la capacidad de poder grabar a parlamentarios....

15 meses para llegar a estas conclusiones.
El ex comisario encargado de interceptar las comunicaciones en el Reino Unido, Swinton Thomas, ha pedido a Tony Blair, primer ministro británico, que levante la prohibición actual para que los servicios secretos puedan poner escuchas a los parlamentarios.

La prohición de este tipo de espionaje fue introducida en 1966 por el ex primer ministro laborista Harold Wilson y esto, según el informe de Thomas pone a los parlamentarios "por encima de la ley" y "lastra la Constitución".

El informe del ex comisario, que dejó el cargo el pasado abril subraya que los diputados "no han conseguido ofrecer ningún motivo de peso, aparte de sus propios intereses", que impida la colocación de escuchas a los representantes del pueblo. Asimismo, insiste en que "nadie se sitúe por encima de la ley".

Hace apenas un año, Blair ya estudió una petición anterior de Thomas para levantar la prohibición, pero acabó desestimándola tras consultar con los miembros de su Gabinete. Sin embargo, los servicios secretos vuelven al ataque considerando que la doctrina es obsoleta y alegando que obstaculiza la lucha contra el terrorismo.

El informe, elaborado durante 15 meses conjuntamente con el actual comisario de interceptaciones policiales, Paul Kennedy, recoge la "fuerte oposición" que esta medida despierta entre los parlamentarios. Una medida que tampoco se aplica a los miembros del Parlamento escocés, ni en Gales, ni en los representantes de la Asamblea de Irlanda del Norte.

Londres destapa los secretos del espionaje

Publicado: 14 Mar 2007 15:21
por SIE

Publicado: 24 Mar 2007 12:20
por kilo009
Comunidad de Inteligencia Británica

Está formada por:

-MI5 (seguridad interior y contraespionaje)
-Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) o MI6 (seguridad exterior)
-Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), SIGINT
-Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS), inteligencia militar.
-National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS), inteligencia criminal

Todo queda coordinado bajo la Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC).

La tarea principal del JIC es elevar informes a minitros y altos funcionarios británicos, tomando como partida los informes del SIS, GCHQ, DIS y MI5. Normalmente se reune una vez a la semana.

Formación del JIC y representación:

In addition to its Chairman, the JIC comprises the heads of the British intelligence agencies, the Chief and Deputy Chief of the Defence Intelligence Staff, the Chief of the Assessments Staff, representatives of the Ministry of Defence, Foreign and Commonwealth Office and other departments and the Prime Minister's adviser on foreign affairs. Full details of the UK central intelligence machine, of which the JIC is part, are set out in the now somewhat dated official document, National Intelligence Machinery.JIC meetings are in two parts: the first at which Australia, Canada and the U.S. are represented; and the second, with no foreigners present.

Publicado: 24 Mar 2007 12:22
por kilo009
Sobre la National Intelligence Machinery que cita ASR en la página:

http://www.archive.official-documents.c ... 301808.pdf

Publicado: 09 Abr 2007 16:42
por kilo009
El Ministerio de Defensa británico ha elaborado un informe con los riesgos a los que se enfrentarán dentro de 30 años, e incluyen cosas muy peligrosas y que actualmente se están formando, chips implantados en el cerebro, armas de pulso electromagnético, clases medias revolucionarias tomando el papel del proletariado, grupos movilizados de forma inmediata por bandas criminales o terroristas gracias a las nuevas tecnologías...

http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/story ... 20,00.html
http://www.elpais.com/articulo/internac ... uint_5/Tes