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Publicado: 04 Ene 2008 00:08
por kilo009
Ayer hubo un atentado en Naciria, al este de Argel. Cuatro policías resultaban muertos ayer en un atentado suicida con coche bomba contra una la comisaría de dicha ciudad.

Al Qaeda en el Magreb se ha adjudicado el atentado.

Publicado: 01 Feb 2008 12:06
por kilo009
Ayer por la mañana hubo un atentado suicida con coche bomba contra la comisaría de Policía de Thenia (Boumerdes):

-La explosión ha podido causar más de 2 muertos y 23 heridos.
-La autoría material corre a cargo de una mujer suicida.
-La furgoneta que conducía la mujer no llegó hasta la comisaría ya que los agentes abrieron fuego antes de que se empotrara con el edificio.

Publicado: 19 May 2008 04:28
por Tor
Este es un articulo que dice que los terroristas argelionos se finncian en parte gracias a secuestros de menores.

Los islamistas argelinos se financian con secuestros
Argel confirma raptos de niños para vender sus órganos en Europa

En Argelia se produce un secuestro al día. De los 375 registrados en 2007, el terrorismo islamista es responsable de 115, con los que busca financiar sus actividades, mientras el resto están relacionados con la extorsión, la pedofilia y el tráfico de órganos, según datos ofrecidos por el ministro del Interior, Noredin Yazid Zerhouni, en el Senado.

Las autoridades de Argelia, tradicionalmente opacas a la hora de facilitar balances sobre las actividades de los terroristas islamistas y la lucha del Gobierno para combatirlas, ni siquiera han indicado, por ejemplo, el número de muertos que el terrorismo se cobró el año pasado, cuando los salafistas se convirtieron en la rama de Al Qaeda en el Magreb islámico. La agencia de noticias Reuters lo sitúa en 491.

Por eso, Zerhouni sorprendió en una reciente comparecencia ante el Senado con un aluvión de datos sobre la toma de rehenes en el país.

En total, los secuestradores solicitaron rescates por importe de 6.000 millones de dinares (60,8 millones de euros), pero las familias sólo pagaron 1.200 (12,17 millones de euros). El ministro no proporcionó el desglose entre pagos efectuados a terroristas y otros a delincuentes comunes.

Lo que sí debe de ser más elevado es el número real de secuestros en 2007. El propio ministro reconoció que no todas las familias denuncian los raptos de sus hijos por pederastas a causa del peso de la tradición y el miedo al escándalo.

La Gendarmería Nacional indicó recientemente que 108 menores habían sido secuestrados en 2007, una cifra que Hocine Zehouane, presidente de la Liga Argelina de Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, eleva a 180, de los que 25 aparecieron muertos. Desde 2001, 841 niños y adolescentes de entre 4 y 16 años han sido secuestrados en Argelia.

Zerhouni confirmó, por último, el espeluznante relato de algunos diarios argelinos sobre la introducción ilegal de niños argelinos y subsaharianos en Marruecos, donde les son extirpados sus órganos para venderlos en Europa. "No hace mucho tiempo un hombre fue detenido cerca de la frontera de Marruecos cuando se disponía a secuestrar a un bebé de dos años", afirmó. "Tras su detención, confesó haber vendido niños a una clínica de Oujda", una ciudad marroquí cercana a la frontera.

El Khabar, el principal diario argelino, aseguró el 10 de mayo que la Gendarmería había desmantelado en Tlemcen (este de Argelia) una red que se dedicaba a secuestrar adolescentes -muchos de ellos de inmigrantes clandestinas africanas- para venderlos a 45.000 dirhams (4.090 euros) cada uno, a una clínica de Oujda.

Las autoridades de Rabat no reaccionaron ante esta supuesta revelación, ni tampoco lo han hecho hasta ahora, después de que el ministro del Interior argelino confirmase en el Senado el relato de El Khabar

Publicado: 05 Jun 2008 19:50
por kilo009
Atentado en Argelia:
ALGIERS, June 5 (Xinhua) -- Two simultaneous attacks have occurred in the suburbs of Bordj El Kiffan, east of Algiers, leaving at least one suspected suicide bomber dead and wounding six other people, according to Algerian security sources and eye witness accounts.

The deadliest of the attacks, which led to the death of one person and left at least five others nursing various degrees of injuries, was targeted at the barracks of the elite Algerian Republican Guard, Algerian security sources said Wednesday.

Owing to the effect of the explosion of the bomb, the suspected suicide bomber was unable to reach the gates of the barracks that was targeted in the district of Lido, Bordj El Kiffan, a popular beach in the eastern suburbs of the Algerian capital, said one eyewitness.

At almost the same time as the fast attack, another home-made bomb, according to a first-hand witness, exploded near a shop and a cafe popular known as Tamaris, in the same area.

The attack left at least one injured, according to eye witnesses, who said that a large contingent of armed police had been deployed around the area. The Algerian authorities also flooded the area with ambulances as a precaution measure to evacuate the injured.

The area around Lido, where the attack occurred, is the premier exhibition site in the North African country and hosts the Algiers International Fair among various other international events.

Both attacks are the first to be recorded in the greater Algiers region since those that were targeted at the headquarters of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in the Hydra residential area and the Constitutional Council at Ben Aknoun on Dec. 11 2007.

The two attacks, which were also carried out almost simultaneously by two suicide bombers, left at least 41 dead, including 17 United Nations employees, and scores of others injured, according to official figures.

Meanwhile, France, through its Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, has reiterated its "solidarity" with the Algerian authorities in the wake of the latest attacks, describing the perpetrators of the suspected suicide bombings as "cowards."

"I have learned with great emotion of the attacks that were perpetrated today leaving several people wounded near Algiers," the foreign minister told reporters Wednesday shortly after the announcement of the attacks.

"I would like to assure the victims of all my sympathy and reiterate to the Algerian authorities of all my solidarity in the face of these unacceptable terrorist acts," said the foreign minister.

The French foreign minister is scheduled to visit Algiers Friday to attend a meeting of foreign ministers of the twelve countries of the Mediterranean.

Although no group has come out to claim responsibility for the attacks, Algerian security forces are pointing their fingers at elements of the al Qaida branch in North Africa, formerly the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat, as it has been involved in nearly all attacks in the North African country.
A suicide attack against Republican Guards barracks eastern Algiers

A suicide attack has been committed yesterday evening in front of the main entrance of a Republican Guards barrack in Bordj El Kiffan, eastern Algiers, meanwhile a bomb exploded inside a café not far from the same barrack.

One person has been killed and many others injured, while observers said the double attack have fingerprints of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.

The suicide attack has been committed by a 30 years old man, carrying a bomb-belt, targeting Republican Guards barrack in Bordj El Kiffan, near Matares beach, security sources said.

The attack took place at 4.30 pm, as being usually coinciding with the officers’ leaving the barrack.

Few moments before the suicide attack took place, a bombe exploded in Matares cafeteria, situated 80 m away the barrack.

Eyewitnesses said soon after the bombe exploded, a man was seen running speedily toward the barrack before blowing himself up two meters before the gate of the barrack.

El Khabar has seen security services arresting a man on the site, alleged being a potential suicide attacker.

Publicado: 09 Jun 2008 00:20
por LIVIO2000

Publicado: 10 Jun 2008 11:50
por kilo009
Atentado en Argelia, 20 muertos
Communication Minister summons AFP and Reuters’ reporters

Communication Ministry announced yesterday summoning reporters of both AFP and Reuters’ press agencies, following announcing in their dispatches “wrong and misleading information,” on bombings and death toll terror attacks.

However, a communiqué issued by Communication Ministry has expressed disappointment toward the unprofessional behaviour of the two reporters of Reuters and AFP, saying: “they have shown a big deal of irresponsibility when it comes to reporting sensitive information about terrorism.”

Furthermore, both Defence and Home Affairs Ministries have categorically denied yesterday a dispatch being reported by Reuters, and quoted by several foreign media, “about an alleged bomb explosion targeting a bus station in Bouira province, eastern Algiers, killing 20 people.”

In this context, the chief of Bouira province police has denied dispatch being reported by Reuters, telling El Khabar: “we have underscored no bomb attack against any bus here in Bouira.”

The same communiqué said the French press Agency, AFP has reported an exaggerated death toll on the terror attack targeting the rail tunnel, in Beni Amrane area, Sunday, while saying 13 killed in the attack, noting that the official toll assumes two people killed.
Operativo de la Gendarmería Nacional argelina:
Huge quantities of cannabis, cocaine and explosives coming from Morocco

National Gendarmerie managed seizing about 1.5 tonnes of treated cannabis coming from Morocco, while foiling, jointly with border guard squads, hundred smuggling attempts of more than 2000 hand made bombs and mines, as well as weapons and ammunitions.

A recent toll delivered by National Gendarmerie services mentioned that 108 anti-personal mines and 1879 electric detonators quantity capable of making the same number of bombs, seized last year.

The same toll further added that 780 m of slow explosive fuses, used in distance bombings were also seized during the same period.

6 Moroccans were arrested during the abovementioned operations, while investigations concluded that the arrested were in charge of bringing the seized explosives from Europe to infiltrating it to Algeria, then finding its way to Terror fiefs.

Investigators have lead search campaign to arrest wanted involved in the case, including dozen of Moroccans, according to confessions made by Algerian detainees.

On another side, Gendarmerie services have managed, jointly with border guards, since the beginning of this year, seizing huge quantities of automatic and pump guns, rifles, Kalashnikovs, and ammunitions, as well as 3.2 kg of explosives and some field night-sight binoculars.

Furthermore, the same services have seized 1.5 tonnes of treated cannabis since January 2007, noting that 6.5 quintals and 237grames of cocaine have been seized since the beginning of this year, while 48 involved people arrested.

Publicado: 11 Jun 2008 16:55
por LIVIO2000
Terroristas abatidos
Algérie : trois islamistes armés tués près de Boumerdès
Par ameziane athali le 10/06/2008 à 17:35

Trois islamistes armés ont été tués par les forces de sécurité durant la nuit de lundi à mardi près de Khemis El Khechna , à 14 km à l'ouest de Boumerdes, a appris toutsurlalgerie.com de sources sécuritaires sécuritaires locales. Les terroristes sont tombés dans une embuscade au lieu dit Maadna non loin du chef lieu communal de Khemis El Khechna. Trois fusils d'assaut de type Kalachnikov ont été récupérés sur les corps des trois terroristes qui ont été acheminés à l'hôpital de Rouiba. L'opération été menée sur la base de renseignements fournis par des habitants qui avaient remarqué les mouvement de ce groupe armé.

Publicado: 10 Ago 2008 20:14
por kilo009
Atentado suicida la pasada noche contra un puesto de control de la Gendarmería Nacional en Argelia:

-Ocurrido en la provincia de Boumerdes (Cabilia), en la playa de Zemmouri El Bahri
-8 muertos (todos civiles) y 19 heridos

-El terrorista suicida llevaba una furgoneta frigorífica

**El pasado domingo un terrorista suicida estalló otro coche bomba cerca de la comisaría de Tizi-Ouzou (Cabila) - 25 heridos

**El pasado viernes, fuerzas argelinas (fuerzas de seguridad y Ejército) mataron a 12 terroristas en los montes de Cabila

Fuente: El Mundo
The suicide bombing that stroke Saturday evening Zemmouri, Boumerdes, "may be interpreted as the reaction of the terrorist group after the army and security forces have carried out recently an operation against them in Beni Douala," said Sunday Interior and Local Communities Minister Noureddine Yazid Zerhouni. In a statement to the media at the scene of the blast, Zerhouni said this attack could be the "response" of the same terrorist group, who were behind the blast of Tizi-Ouzou last week in an effort to "raise their spirits" after the elimination in Beni Douala (Province of Tizi-Ouzou) of 12 terrorists, including leaders of the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) involved in this attack.

Fuente: Servicio de Prensa argelino

Publicado: 19 Ago 2008 12:18
por Navarro
43 muertos en un atentado contra una escuela de Gendarmería en Argelia
Los fallecidos son civiles y gendarmes que se encontraban en el centro de formación de la región de Cabilia
http://www.adn.es/mundo/20080819/NWS-04 ... meria.html
Un saludo a todo el mundo.

Publicado: 20 Ago 2008 23:35
por kilo009
Navarro, parece que AQMI se está cebando con Argelia:

-11 muertos (civiles) y 31 heridos en dos atentados esta mañana en Bouira (150 km al este de Argel)

1er atentado: 14 heridos contra un cuartel militar (coche bomba, ¿suicida?)
2º atentado: en un autobús delante del hotel Sofía, un terrorista suicida (cargado con coche bomba) se lanzó contra el vehículo.